I haven't written in a while, Lord, I've wanted to write but I struggle with knowing where to start. The last two months have been a whirlwind of traveling, work, and overall busyness. This week I began to feel the effects of the busyness - my quiet time with You has suffered. I have noticed that I like to keep busy in order to avoid facing the giants, You know it is an easy escape for me. I don't want to face the truth, the fears, the disappointment, the hurt, the areas I need to fix. I'd rather sweep it all under the carpet and believe that it will all just go away on its' own. You, however, remain faithful to your wandering sheep. You faithfully and graciously protect, guide, nourish, and care for me. Time and again I have wandered from the fold and You have patiently waited for me to return, when I take too long or become lost You bring me back to where I belong....to Whom I belong. Thank you Lord for loving me unconditionally.
My Bible study group has been working on a new book that challenges us to find fulfillment in Christ. Busyness is my first hurdle to gaining fulfillment and satisfaction in Christ alone, the second hurdle is fear. This week's chapter focused on finding stillness in the midst of chaos and spending quality time in worshipping Him. Of course my excuse is that I can't find the time and place to devote even a half hour of worship and prayer but as I read this week's chapter I fell under conviction. Jesus was hounded by people day and night, even during the moments when there were no crowds He still had the company of His disciples. He was constantly performing miracles, teaching, and traveling yet He found time to worship and pray....His quiet time was essential to His ministry. There were many instances when Jesus had to escape to get away from the crowds and even His disciples in order to spend time alone with the Father. Sometimes it required Him to scale a mountain, hop into a boat and row to the middle of a sea, or find solitude in His favorite garden. If the Creator of this Universe can find time for worship than I have no excuse whatsoever.
Time is the treasure of life. Time IS life.
Time is the willing sacrifice that you offer up to
The worship of what you love.
Don't tell me what you love. Tell me where you
spend your TIME and I'll tell YOU what you love.
Once I'm successfull over the busyness hurdle I need to tackle the hurdle of fear. Ugh. Not really looking forward to the unleashing of emotion but I know without a doubt that I cannot learn and grow or continue to move forward without facing the giants. Right now disappointment is my biggest foe, it's tough to battle that particular emotion however I have learned that God's Sovereignty overpowers all. Trusting in His wisdom is what gives me the incentive to keep pushing forward despite the disappointment, despite the hurt, despite the lack of direction. I've let go of the reigns and given them to God, He is in control and knows exactly what He is doing. "Many are the plans in a man's heart but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails" Proverbs 19:21
I have been formed and created for His glory, my life has a purpose and that is to advance His kingdom on this earth. Lord, may this sheep's thirsty soul be satisfied by my Shepherd's unlimited supply of love!
I have been formed and created for His glory, my life has a purpose and that is to advance His kingdom on this earth. Lord, may this sheep's thirsty soul be satisfied by my Shepherd's unlimited supply of love!
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