These quotes, songs, and "things" have really touched my heart over the past couple of days:
A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her ~ Max Lucado
You will be safe in His arms because the hands that hold the world are holding your heart ~ Phil Wickham
I will move ahead bold and confident taking every step in obedience, while I'm waiting I will serve you ~ John Waller
O and when the love spills over and music fills the night and when you can't contain your joy inside then dance for Jesus! And with your final heartbeat kiss the world goodbye then go in peace and laugh on Glory's side and Fly to Jesus. Fly to Jesus and live! ~ Chris Rice
It really is an astounding truth that the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. He lives in me. ~ Francis Chan
Only one life 'twill soon be past; Only what's done for Christ will last ~ author unknown
Hearing the birds sing praise to their Creator
When the Spirit opens my eyes to new truth from "old" Bible stories
When the Lord sends encouragement and laughter my way at the exact moment I need it most
Fellowship with Christian friends - they are truly a gift from heaven
Realizing that I am a citizen of heaven and earth is only my temporary home
Sponsoring a little girl in Haiti through worldvision
I have seen the Lucado quote before and have also seen it attributed to Maya Angelou. Regardless of who authored it, I think it is flawed because it presupposes that the man in question has not sought Him in the past, or that he values the woman whose heart is hidden in Him as the ultimate "prize" as opposed to the process of seeking and re-seeking Him. The fact is that both the man's and woman's heart should already be hidden in Him, and if they are not, then they need to re-prioritize before "supplementing" themselves with the man/woman in question. I think the implication of the "man" as predatory in this quote is also unfair; to be clear, I would take just as much exception to this if the quote read "A man's heart should be so hidden in God that a woman has to seek Him just to find him." Nobody would ever write it that way though. What the quote also omits is that to "seek Him" isn't a singular, instantaneous "one-and-done" event. It is a continuous process pivotal to the walk of any believer. Is the matter "done" when the man has sought Him and found the woman whose heart is in Him, like this quote implies? No...they both have a lot of work to do both on their own and with each other.