My fear grips my faith and I am left unmoved
Your gaze stops my heart, Your voice fills the dark
Your love is the spark that lights this life
Out of the depths You cry
Come and be satisfied
Father You sing....You sing over Your children
You quiet the storm
Inside my shipwrecked soul
Your spirit will lead
It calls the wayward home.
~ Matt MaherI appreciate the words of this song. I flirt with the world. I battle fear. My heart and mind are constantly under attack and often times I am found to be wayward. I recently read a blog entry by John Eldredge and he talked about our perception of Jesus and how He works as a Deliverer and a Preventer. Often times we picture Him solely as a Preventer.....or at least we want Him to be the Preventer because we don't want to face hard times, trials, fears, and hurts. Isn't that what we usually pray for? A lot of our requests revolve around asking God to prevent someone from physical pain, complications, or difficulties. But that isn't the way He works, we are such a simple-minded and ignorant people. We can't see all the things He has prevented from happening. He is our Shield and our Protector and I have no doubt that we are blind to the 90% of "things" He has shielded and protected us from in life. David, the author of Psalms, presents the idea of the Father being a Deliverer. Delivering means that I am in trouble and need God to rescue me - it is with grace and mercy that He prevents so much from happening in my life yet He also chooses to deliver me. It is with this perspective that I realize He hasn't nor ever will abandon me!